Simple Steps on How to Lose Weight and Be Healthy and Attractive

Competish - Group Weight Loss
3 min readJun 10, 2021

Are you looking for How to Lose Weight and be fit? If yes, read this blog to learn the most feasible solutions to lose excess fat from your body.

1) Intermittent fasting has lately become a trend. It causes weight loss, improves metabolism, and maybe even prolongs lifespan. The 5:2 diets include consuming food five days of the week while keeping your calorie intake between 600–700 for two days of the week. Intermittent fasting promotes blood sugar control, fights inflammation, improves blood pressure, boosts brain function and prevents neurodegenerative disorders.

2) Awareness is the key. You should be aware of everything you eat and drink each day. The most powerful method to do this is to jot down every eatable you consume in either a food journal or an online food tracker. A study has shown that consistent tracking of physical activity eased the weight loss journey.

3) Eating protein for breakfast. Protein can control appetite hormones to assist people in feeling energetic.

4) Abstain from sugar and refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates are heavily processed foods that lack fiber and other essential nutrients. These foods are easy to digest, and they convert to glucose quickly. Excess glucose enters into the blood and provokes the hormone insulin that promotes fat storage in the adipose tissue. It leads to weight gain.

5) Adding plenty of fiber to your diet can improve the feeling of completion, possibly contributing to weight loss.

6) Quality sleep is part and parcel of a healthy weight loss plan.

Simple Steps on How to Lose Weight and Be Healthy and Attractive

The Effective Exercises to Lose Bodyweight

Dedicating your valuable time to shed your sweat to lose bodyweight is worth your time. Add the following exercises to your daily regime for effective results:

1) Sprinting: Sprinting is running over a small distance at the highest speed of the body for a limited period.

2) Kickboxing: Kickboxing is a stand-up fight sport based on kicking and punching, originated from karate mixed with boxing.

3) Spinning: Spinning is a perfect Exercise to Lose Weight that concentrates on strength, energy, intervals, high intensity and healing, and involves using a static exercise bicycle with a weighted flywheel in a classroom arrangement.

4) Jumping Rope: While jumping rope you swing a rope around your body and jump over it as it passes under your feet.

5) Strength Training: Strength training can assist you in developing lean muscle mass and increase your metabolism, which starts to lag once you hit your 30s.

6) Swimming: If you are not an ardent fan of running, swimming is a perfect workout that mixes cardio with strength training in one low-impact workout.

Why is it essential to lose body weight?

1) To know the strength of your body that it is capable of

2) To not be envious of abs when you read a fitness magazine and see Beyonce

3) To never be held back from anything because you feel super-uncomfortable

4) To treat your body with the respect because it deserves

5) To eat to live happily, not live to eat

To end with, have a nutritious diet and add exercises to your regime to make your body toned and super-healthy. After all, health is wealth. You can also add Weight Loss Challenges for Money. Money never hurts!



Competish - Group Weight Loss

This weight loss challenge app lets you make a group with your friends and family to lose weight. Create a group, invite others to join, challange others.