Some Effective Tips on How to Lose Weight

Competish - Group Weight Loss
3 min readJun 14, 2021

These days almost everybody is looking for how to lose weight. It has become the hot topic of the decade. Who doesn’t want to have a healthy and attractive body? Having a healthy body not only boosts one’s self-esteem but also prolongs lifespan. Have a deep look at the tips to lose body weight!

1)Protein is the kingpin when it comes to the weight loss journey. When you consume enough protein, your body burns calories while digesting and metabolizing it. A diet rich in protein can make you feel full and minimize your appetite.

2) Say a big no to processed foods. They have added sugar, unhealthy fat, and calories. These are like drugs. Once you start consuming junk food, there is no stepping back. Another thing is processed foods lead to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. Why play with your health? Instead, add to your diet green vegetables and fruits.

3) Drink more and more water. When you consume water before having food, your calorie intake lessens.

4) Intermittent fasting is also a feasible way to lose bodyweight. It is an umbrella term for various food timing schedules that are between intentional fasting and non-fasting over a given period. Methods of intermittent fasting include alternate-day fasting, periodic fasting, and daily time-restricted feeding.

5) Replace big plates with smaller ones. Small dish helps you consume less because it changes how you see portion sizes. How to reduce weight seems easier till now? Isn’t it?

6) Spices like Chili peppers, Italian seasoning, and Jalapenos consist of capsaicin that may increase metabolism along with the burning of fat.

7) Increase fiber intake. Fiber-rich foods include pears, strawberries, avocado, apples, raspberries, carrots, beets, broccoli, lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, etc.

8) Brush or floss your teeth after consuming meals, which may help curb the urge to luncheon or eat between meals.

9) Exercising is a must for weight loss. It is good for the brain, cures your major illness, improves your skin texture, and prolongs lifespan.

The Effective Exercises to Lose body fat quickly!

Do at least one of the below-mentioned exercise to lose weight.

1)Walking: A study says that a 70 kg person burns around 167 calories per 40 minutes of walking at the speed of 4 mph.

2) Running: It helps in burning harmful visceral fat that is also called belly fat. It helps you from various diseases like heart disease or diabetes.

3) Cycling: Cycling assists you in burning calories, cycling reduce your risk of severe diseases, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, depression, and some cancers etc. Also, cycling is a low-impact kind of exercise suitable for people of all ages, including teenagers and older adults.

4) Weight Training: Weight training is a common type of strength training for expanding the power and capacity of skeletal muscles. Weight training is a kind of strength training that uses weights for resistance.

5) Swimming: It is the momentum of the body through water by combined arm and leg motions and the natural flotation of the body. It keeps your heart rate high but takes some of the impact stress off your body.

6) Yoga: Yoga isn’t only about burning calories and toning muscles. It’s a total mind-body exercise that involves strengthening and stretching poses with deep breathing and meditation or relaxation.

There are more than 100 different forms of yoga meant for numerous purposes.

To end with, always remember that health is wealth. Try every trick in the book to become fit and healthy. You can also download various apps that provide weight loss challenges for money opportunities.



Competish - Group Weight Loss

This weight loss challenge app lets you make a group with your friends and family to lose weight. Create a group, invite others to join, challange others.